Global Academician Workshop
Global Academician Workshop is designed to inspire young people's passion for innovation and promote the cultivation of innovative international talents with a sense of social responsibility. In summer 2024, world-class academicians and full professors from Ivy Leagues and Oxbridge will visit China to lead a series of Global Academician Workshops. Under the guidance of those world-class scholars, teenagers will carry out a research project in 6 days focusing on a cutting-edge theme, and will present their achievements to professors. Teenagers who successfully complete the workshop will receive a certificate signed by professors. Outstanding participants will have opportunities to receive recommendation letters from professors.

Values for Participants
1. Guided by World-Level Academicians
2. Ignite Passion for Innovation
3. Explore Future Frontier Subjects
4. Recognized by World-leading Full Professors
12 Global Topics
1. Biological Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry Global Academician Workshop
2. Frontiers of Mathematics and Big Data Application Global Academician Workshop
3. Computer and Artificial Intelligence Global Academician Workshop
4. Chemistry and New Materials Application Technology Global Academician Workshop
5. Frontiers of Physics and Space Exploration Global Academician Workshop
6. Engineering Frontier and Intelligent Manufacturing Global Academician Workshop
7. Innovative Economy and Financial Engineering Global Academician Workshop
8. Global Leadership and Business Innovation Global Academician Workshop
9. Brain Science and Positive Psychology Global Academician Workshop
10. Frontiers of Sociology and Social Innovation Global Academician Workshop
11. Literary Global Academician Workshop
12. Art Global Academician Workshop
All the mentors of the Global Academician Workshop are world-class academicians, chaired professors and full professors from Ivy Leagues and Oxbridge, all of whom are world-class leaders in their fields and have excellent research reputations, decades of practice, and extensive teaching experience worldwide. Each workshop will have a teaching assistant to assist teenagers about their project.
The Global Academician Workshop has rigorous academic requirements and clearly defined outcomes. Each teenager will be deeply involved in the program and will receive supervision and guidance from professors and teaching assistants to perform at a high level and carry out an original paper.
1. Develop an original research project and write one original paper.
2. Gain recommendation letters.
- Full attendance, with positive performance;
- Submit each assignment on time and in quality;
- Complete the essay without plagiarism or fabrication, with rigorous logic, clear argumentation, and innovation or profound insight;
Program Form
Mentor Team
Each program will have:
(1) A professor from Ivy League and Oxbridge.
(2) A teaching assistant graduated from top overseas universities.
Research Topic
The general direction of the topic will be designated by the professor; the topic for each student will be decided by the professor during the program.
Number of Students
1 Student/Program
10 sessions, 1 hour each time, once a week.
Type of Research
Any type of research could be chosen: exploratory research (case study, field study), explanatory research, descriptive research, constructive research, empirical research (qualitative research, quantitative research), theoretical research, etc.
Project Preparation 1. Identify program participants for each topic
2. Decide the program professor and starting point.
The syllabus is designed by the professor
Project Duration The program will take place with professor personally:

Part 1: The Foundation of Disciplinary Research
Session1:Research Outcomes & Future Development
Session2:Research Methods

Part 2:Frontier Topics Discussion
Session3: Topic 1: Literature Review/Case Analysis
Session4: Topic 2: Literature Review/Case Analysis
Session5: Topic 3: Literature Review/Case Analysis
Session6:Topic 4: Literature Review/Case Analysis

Part 3:Paper Writing & Evaluation
Session7:Topic Selecting
Session8:Paper Structure Discussion
Session9:Paper Final Editing
Session10:Paper Presentation, Evaluation and Submission
*Above syllabus is an example, please follow the syllabus provided by professors
Finalize Project Paper submission;
Professor provides the list of students who got recommendation letter
Team Responsibilities
Professor Teaching Assistant
Preparation - Develops syllabus
- Prepares reading materials
Schedules with the professor
1. Before Prepares Reminds student to attend sessions
2. During - Lectures on specialized knowledge
- Examines the literature
- Guides research ideas
- Guides research methodology
- Guidse paper writing
- Keeps track of attendance
- Keeps an eye on student's status
- Assists student with communication
3. After Reviews assignment - Collects student's questions
- Hands in assignments to the professor
- Hands-out reading materials
Finalizing - Announces the list of recommendation
- Rates
How to Apply
1. Choose one theme out of twelve, and select the research direction to apply;
2. Decide the professor and the start time. (Programs typically start within two months.)
3. The professor develops the syllabus and reading materials.
4. Carry out the program.
5. Students who successfully complete the Workshop will have the opportunity to receive recommendation letters from the professor.
Apply Online Workshop
STEP1 Choose Your Theme and Click the Next Button
Biological Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry (BIOL)
Frontiers of Mathematics and Big Data Application (MATH)
Computer and Artificial Intelligence (AICS)
Chemistry and New Materials Application Technology (CHEM)
Frontiers of Physics and Space Exploration (PHYS)
Engineering Frontier and Intelligent Manufacturing (ENGN)
Innovative Economy and Financial Engineering (ECON)
Global Leadership and Business Innovation (BUSN)
Brain Science and Positive Psychology (PSYC)
Frontiers of Sociology and Social Innovation (SOIC)
Literary Theory and Cultural and Creative Industry (LITR)
Media Creativity and Digital Economy (CREA)
Apply Summer Workshop
The Global Academician Workshop is personally guided by professors from Ivy League and Oxbridge. Students will be guided by the professor's advanced ideas and nurtured by the environment of a well-known international school, and will carry out a project around a cutting-edge theme for 6 days, and finally present the results of the project to the professor. Students who successfully complete the program will receive a signed certificate of completion from a professor, and outstanding students will have the opportunity to receive a letter of recommendation from a professor.
STEP1 Choose Your Theme and Click the Next Button
Biological Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Time: After January 2024
Biological Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Time: After January 2024
Biological Health, Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Time: 6 days between 2024 July 4-12
Location:RCF Experimental School 北京市朝阳区人朝分实验学校
Frontiers of Mathematics and Big Data Application
Time: 2024 July 7th-12th
Location:RCF Experimental School 北京市朝阳区人朝分实验学校
Computer and Artificial Intelligence
Time: 2023.8.14-8.19
Location:RCF Experimental School 北京市朝阳区人朝分实验学校
Computer and Artificial Intelligence
Time: 6 days between 2024 July 4-12
Location:RCF Experimental School 北京市朝阳区人朝分实验学校
Engineering Frontier and Intelligent Manufacturing
Time: 2024 July 7th-12th
Location:RCF Experimental School 北京市朝阳区人朝分实验学校
Global Leadership and Business Innovation
Time: July 2024
Location:Beijing Academy International Division
Media Creativity and Digital Economy
Time: After January 2024